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part per billion中文

用"part per billion"造句"part per billion" in a sentence"part per billion"怎麼讀


  • 十億分率
  • 十億分之…,十億分之一
  • 十億分之一


  • Among the asthmatic chinese children , the level of nitric oxide is about 80 parts per billion ( ppb ) while for normal children it is only 29ppb
    結果發現患有哮喘的華人兒童中,一氧化氮的濃度為80ppb ,正常兒童則只有29ppb 。
  • In early 2003 , new , more sensitive analytical technology found low levels up to 25 parts per billion of semicarbazide in food products packed using soft plastic seals
  • The fda has developed a method to confirm chloramphenicol levels in honey at one part per billion . the fda and customs are continuing to coordinate their enforcement strategies and will be detaining or seizing any honey imports that contain chloramphenicol to ensure that they are not released for human or animal consumption in the united states . ( end text )
用"part per billion"造句  
part per billion的中文翻譯,part per billion是什麼意思,怎麽用漢語翻譯part per billion,part per billion的中文意思,part per billion的中文part per billion in Chinesepart per billion怎麼讀,发音,例句,用法和解釋由查查在綫詞典提供,版權所有違者必究。
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